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Privacy Policy

Introduction (“the website”) is owned by MagikNET (“MagikNET”, “the company”, “we”, “us”) and therefore enforces this Privacy Policy, which sets out the basis on which the company will process your personal data.

MagikNET processes personal data about users and visitors (“you”). We value your privacy so MagikNET is making efforts to handle this data at care, to keep it secure by way of systems design or choice of technological partners and to comply with the international and localized data protection laws.

Purpose of this policy

The purpose of this policy is to explain when, why and how we process information which may relate to you (“personal data”). It also provides important information on your statutory rights. This policy is not intended to override the terms of any contract you have with the company, nor rights you might have under data protection laws.

Data controller

MagikNET, whose address is 17, traverse beau site, 13011 Marseille France is the data controller of the personal data processed by this website. Data Controller means the company that determines the means and purposes of processing of personal data. You can contact the company on this page.

What kind of personal data does the company process?

The personal data we process is the following (please note that it may be updated from time to time):

  • IP addresses
  • Browser and device information
  • Email addresses
  • Website usage
  • Personal preferences (settings)
  • Gender
  • Age
  • Content you submit, such as posts, comments, ratings…

For what purposes the company is using your personal data?

The personal data collected throughout’s services serves these purposes:

  • To resolve and reduce bugs and problems with the website;
  • To improve the browsing experience and user interface smoothness;
  • To help and meet with the international requirements and laws you and the company may be subject too;
  • To better serve your personal interests by proposing to you what you prefer when applicable and asked;
  • To propose you personalized offers and personalized communication based on your browsing profile and preferences;
  • To communicate with you by sending emails to you when explicitly authorized;
  • To exercise any of the company’s legal rights when applicable and required by law;
  • To build anonymous and aggregated technical, behavioral and demographics statistics and data that we may provide to our partners.

What are your rights?

The rights you have with your personal data are:

  • The right to be informed
  • The right of access
  • The right to rectification
  • The right to erasure
  • The right to restrict processing
  • The right to data portability
  • The right to object
  • Rights related to automated decision making and profiling

We offer a total optout mechanism (available only with final release) which is available to any user of this website in the world, which can erase all the personal data and block any technical tracking from this website with your device. If you need anything more specific, you can contact us and specify your needs so that we can meet them.

It is important to note that the company does not use any automated or Artificial Intelligence services to produce usable results datasets and engage with automated decisions using the collected personal data. In the event the company uses this kind of services or systems, they will always be utilized with anonymous and aggregated datasets, and this will be notified here. You also have the right to be excluded from these data collections. You must either contact the company or use the total optout option.

When and with whom does the company share personal data?

Currently MagikNET does not voluntarily share any personal data with third parties. However, there are specific cases in which some of your personal data may be shared:

  • With authentication providers when user accounts will be available;
  • If the company is under a duty to disclose to comply with a legal obligation or to protect its interests or security;
  • In the event this website or the company is sold to any prospective buyer.

For how long does the company keep records of your personal data?

There are three cases regarding the storage duration of your personal data:

  • Identifiable data: Identifiable data such as gender, age and user accounts personal information is stored for as long as you keep a relationship with the website. You can end this relationship and end the personal data storage when deleting your user account by specifically asking us for this.
  • Technically identifiable data: Technically identifiable data such as device, browser and system information, cookies identificators or personal preferences set without an account (by the way of cookies, see our cookie policy) are held live for one (1) year. Each time you come back to the website, the delay is refreshed to one year again, so from your last visit to the website this data will be stored for one year.
  • Website logs data: Website logs data such as browsing sessions paths and website actions events are held live for one (1) month and then archived for a period of three (3) months. After this period, all statistics and logs are erased from the server.

Who is responsible for the security of the data?

MagikNET is responsible of the security of the data by way of software design. The databases are created and maintained so that sensitive information such as login and passwords are not made available to anyone (including the company) even with the event of a technical service breach of security outside our control. Other less sensitive information is stored as is in the database, and protected by intelligent application design so that breaches of security are limited to the minimum.

The technical partner who services throughout its server and cloud infrastructure and responsible for its own security is 1&1 IONOS, Europe’s largest web host.

Changes to this policy

The privacy policy may be amended from time to time, and the updates will be made available on this page, and when appropriate, notified to you by email.

Last update: April 2024